22 January 2010

Guys Movie Night

Bobby hosted a movie night at our house... actually it was in our basement. A good friend of ours gave us his big screen TV. He upgraded to a flat screen and we inherited his old one. It is an old school TV. It's big, I mean big. The only place I would have an electronic device that large would be the basement!
My hubby was very excited with the creation of the 'Man Cave' and I have to say the family has been enjoying it as well.
We thought it would be fun to do this every other month, but I don't know if anyone will come back. You see, the basement is not finished so it really is a cave and just as cold! I heard there were a few people that evening feeling the chill. These pictures were taken when everyone had arrived. Everyone is smiling. Now, picture everyone huddled under blankets after the movie starts and you'll get a clear picture of the rest of the evening. I asked someone who was there if Bobby had turned on the space heater and they said, "What??! You guys had a space heater??!!" I thought that was kind of funny. The guys were nice enough to say they had fun! Hope they come back...


Dave and Janine Butters said...

What a great idea!!! So jealous, Dave would have loved it. Don't let it die...miss you guys!!!

Pack N Pounce said...

I haven't heard one person mention they were cold. So I doubt anyone was really bothered. Men are tough. *Show's off guns* ;)
I've heard plans of another guys night out in March....