14 August 2009

OOOOHHHHHH!!!!!!! #*!%#@?/!*&=

I decided to blog for a few minutes while the girls were in the pool. I don't know about anyone else, but it does take me a while to blog. I have to look up the pictures, and I can only pull a few at a time, sometimes they get mixed up and I have to move them around. In short, it's not quick.
I told myself only a half an hour. I was reviewing and getting ready to save the post when my wonderful hubby comes in and just shuts the computer off. That's right. He just walks over and shuts it down. Why? Well, he wasn't aware, I guess, of the fact that I was on it. even though the tower is sitting right next to me and the keyboard ! He says he came over to turn it on. Out of habit, he walked in and just hit the button.
As much as I enjoy reading other blogs, this is a chore for me. Not a horrible one, but a chore just the same. I enjoy the end result and the comments not so much the process. Kind of like cleaning. I love the end result not so much the process.
Needless to say, it took all I had not to break down and cry or throw something at him. All of you know what an amazing guy Bobby is. I am very blessed to have him. Really. But sometimes that guy thing gets in the way. You know what I mean?? He's a guy.
I finshed my post. And I will use this moment to get me some sympathy and Coldstone...


Brandi said...

OH MAN...such a guy thing! That would frustrate me too...hopefully your Coldstone was delicious...and I think a LOOOOOOOOONG foot rub should be added in there too!

mckellebmassmemo said...

Just so you know your efforts are worth while. I LOVE looking at your blog. It reminds me of good times. I loved that beach. We miss your family!