20 February 2010


I injured my wrist over a year ago tiling my bathroom, which by the way, looks great! I went on a 72 hour, have-to-finish-it-or-else spree. Apparently the repetitive movement caused my Triangular Fibrocartilageneous Cartilage Complex, (what a mouthful!), or TFC, to tear. It happened in September of '08 but I didn't see a doctor until December of '08. I was given a cortisone injection and told to come back if it still hurt. After about a week, it felt much better and I was able to move it with minimal discomfort.
Fast forward to December of '09 and the pain came back with a vengeance while I was trying to unlock my front door with the key. I went in again to see the doctor last Friday and she explained that I was going to need surgery. One part would be easy, arthroscopy and the other would require a shortening of the ulna which would not be easy or painless. She decided to give me another cortisone shot to buy me some time. She also figured if it worked for so long the first time, maybe I'd get lucky a second time.
The first shot was uncomfortable but the second one was extremely painful. I wasn't able to use my hand (right, of course), for a couple of days. I was told to wait a week and if it didn't improve, I was to make an appointment for surgery.
I almost lost my right hand due to gangrene when I was about 11 years old. A surgeon who flew in from Florida, just to see me!, held out hope that it could be saved and low and behold I still have my hand! So needless to say, I'm very attached to my hand:)
Considering all the pain and suffering going on in this world every minute, I'm very fortunate that this is nothing in the grand scheme of things. I'm blessed with good health and good medical insurance! Please take this posting as nothing more than just an update in the life that is mine!
I have been doing some research on these procedures and I will be getting a second opinion. My week is up and the pain is still there.
In the meantime, (while I procrastinate making that phone call), I thought it would be fun to post a link to some literature on the procedure and maybe get some feedback.
Here it is :

1 comment:

The Metzgers said...

When you finally have your surgery I will make you some cookies. It will make it all better. :)