14 February 2009

Why I don't like technology

So it's 12:11 AM! 12:11 AM!!!! If I didn't have a computer, I'd be in bed now. If I didn't have this blog, I'd be sound asleep! and did I mention warm? It's flippin cold here. It's always cold here, but especially at 12:13 in the morning! This is a very good reason indeed not to like technology.
I'm an all or nothing kind of girl. I can't just do 5 minutes. I started at 9:00 pm and as you can see, I haven't done anything impressive on this blog. Just added a few pictures and a few captions. Then of course, I have to check out and see what everyone else has on their blog and then not only am I exhausted, but now I have to feel like crap because everyone else seems to have these AMAZING blogs and these AMAZING stories and oh so incredible pictures and then I think "What the heck am I doing? I can't compete!" Yes, I do think we all secretly compete with each other. Not in a mean way, but you can't tell me you don't think "oh! how cute! I want that on my page", or "Why didn't I think of that?" Why do you think they put those links on the gadgets for? For people like me who 'have to have it!'
I really love this blogging stuff. It's like scrapbooking, but so much faster and nothing to clean up afterwards. You can even steal other people's pictures and put them on your own page!!!! Hello! You can also stalk other people and read their every thought, see their every move. We all know how curious I am. It's a dream come true, really. I never thought I would, but I so do! That is why I don't like technology.

The comment posted here is stictly the opinion of an overstimulated and exhausted mother of four who has been up WAY too long and not necessarily the views of those here at this blogsite. We are not responsible for any offensive material that has made it's way onto this site or anything posted after 8:00 pm.


mckellebmassmemo said...

I LOVE your blog and I agree with you that it becomes totally addicting. I spend hours that I don't have blogging and stalking. It's been my therapy while out here though. I especially love the blurb at the end. It made me laugh!

Lucy said...

That ending gave me a good laugh this morning... thanks! :) (I only have a craft blog and I haven't touched it in weeks... I really should... but I love stalking all of the blogs I read!)

Brandi said...

You are a crack me up! I love your blog and you have great stories!

Gage Ackerman said...

Gail, WOW! That was so funny. P.S this was from Bobby.