23 July 2011

Suffield, CT Concert

As I've mentioned before, Roci is part of a group called The AT express. She's been with the group for over a year and enjoys it. I don't enjoy all the running around involved, BUT I love to watch her and her friends perform!! They have so much fun and sound great together. It has been a wonderful opportunity for her and Dan Kehoe is one of the most generous people I've ever met. He is responsible for forming the group and has been extremely supportive of them.
Todd Madison is responsible for the photos below:

Parade float

Roci performs 'Lean on Me'

A tribute to the Armed Forces. Roci represents the Marines... of course;)

If you look close, (but please! not too close!), You will see myself and my sister-in-law Joanne on that stage!! Yikes! We were picked to help sing Cher's Shoop shoop song... Oh my!

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