03 February 2013

2013 will be the best yet!!

You may or may not be wondering where I've been? I know I have:) I am amazed at how quickly time passes! I have been busy cooking, cleaning, working, working, and celebrating 21 years of marriage!  It's a wonder that I'm still around in one piece.
I have been focusing on what it is that I want to do with my life. I'm at a point where I have kids leaving the nest, but still have two at home that have more raising to be done. You would think someone my age would have a career or, at the very least, something they are passionate about. I have been clueless, but I know something will come up. It always does as long as I'm patient. I have to keep reminding myself that it always comes at the perfect time, God's, and not my own.
I hope to update my family and friends with fun photos and a few tidbits in the upcoming year. I will formulate a plan as I go along. That's code for making it up as I go. I'm the queen of that!!! Here's to 2013 and all the blessings it holds for us!!!! YAY:) By the way, thanks Aalyia for taking our picture!!

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